How does it work?

How does the wheat study work?

Study protocol

The test kit contains two straws and two vials. Simply perform the testing with the wheat straw first, immediately followed by the plastic straw. Use two separate vials and make sure they are marked correctly. Ship both samples as you would normally. We will use the saliva sample obtained using the plastic straw in order to generate your report. Please note that we cannot perform analysis if we only receive one vial: you will only get a report if you have sent both vials. In the event of a problem with the kit, or if you have changed your mind about taking part but still wish to check your hormone levels, please get in touch with us.

What can I get from partaking?

You will not receive any payment for your undertaking, but you would get a 50% discount on your hormone test kits (if applicable). Your results would be based on the traditional plastic straw only. The results of the study will be made available on our website.

What if I change my mind?

You can at any moment decide to cancel your participation in this study if you wish to. Simply destroy your test kit and contact us for a full refund. Note that we cannot provide you with testosterone data if you send in only one sample.

If you decide to withdraw from the study and have already sent us the samples, you can do so by contacting us. Once your data has been rendered anonymous we can no longer retract your data from the study, since we will not be able to locate it.

Are wheat stalk straws safe?

The straws are created by materials deemed edible and their use as sampling devices is of no risk. We do not recommend eating our straws. We cannot guarantee safety for people suffering from coeliac disease or gluten intolerance.