Do you think your testosterone levels may be low? Are you struggling with muscle buildup or sex drive? Test your testosterone level here. More Info
This test measures the bioavailable component of total testosterone through a single saliva sample. Testosterone is a male sex hormone, which is used to evaluate the androgynous state of men and to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome and breast cancer in women. It is responsible for bone and muscle strength, as well as mood, energy, and sexual function. It also has an influence on muscle mass, physical strength, and bone density. Persometrics does not offer advice or medical diagnostics. Rather, the outcome of this test could be useful for you to discuss further with your medical doctor.
A test of adrenal deficiency was developed in 2000 by Morley and colleagues at St. Louis School of Medicine and has since been used in some 100 studies. The sensitivity of this test has been found to be 97% (specificity was 30%) for the detection of hypogonadism in a validation study from 2004. We therefore offer this adrenal deficiency test for free on our website.
Note: We aim to ship your testkit within three work days. However, since the bioavailable component of Testosterone requires a complex method to analyze correctly, saliva samples are forwarded to a larger laboratory for analysis. For this reason, please allow for 15 working days before achieving your results (after our laboratory receives your samples). We apologize for this long waiting time, but our main priority is product quality and scientific excellence.